Stuffed Sausages

34 weeks, only 3-5 left to go. Ready, I am so ready!!! My hands and feet are really, really starting to swell. Chris says they look like they’re going to explode. It’s painful, my friends. The carpal tunnel and joint pain is also getting worse. Isn’t pregnancy supposed to be beautiful and magical? I guess that costs extra.

My complaints aside, I have finally finished knitting Sumo Baby’s hat and mitts.


I can’t post links to the patterns, sorry! I googled them, and they were so simple I just wrote them down. The yarn is just some cute, cheap stuff I picked up at Michael’s. I’m still working on the blanket. It just takes so long to get a few rows done. I’m really looking forward to being able to knit with abandon again.

The hospital bag is pretty much ready to go. I just need a pair of cheap jammies to stuff in there. As long as we remember to grab our pillows on the way out the door, we are all set! Oh, and a phone charger. I feel so mature and responsible. It’s quite pathetic. I am not ashamed. Hurry up, Sumo, mama wants to squish your cheeks!


Impatiently Patient

It’s almost Thursday. Chris still says I’m going to be kept on bed rest, but he very well could be wrong. At this point, I’d be happy with modified bed rest. At least I would have a little more freedom. The baby would probably really enjoy a yoga session right now.

Monday was a rather lovely day for me and Grace. We watched Lemony Snicket, we did some knitting, made play doh ice cream, and she painted me lovely pictures.  There was even some quiet reading time.  Grace helped me make breakfast and lunch, and ate her weight in fruits and veggies for snacks.  I wish I could’ve been more involved and hands-on, but oh well.  We had a wonderful day together, that’s all that matters. 

Tonight, I’m going to have Chris haul my sewing machine upstairs.  There’s a headband I want to make G, and also some hair rollers.  No, seriously.  How cute are those?!    They look really simple and quick.  I have all the required supplies.  The only problem I forsee is being able to sit in a chair long enough to sew them all.  I may have to do a few here and there.  I can’t sit upright for very long.  It gives me horrible abdominal cramps.  I usually don’t even eat at the dinner table. 

I will give it a whirl, if it’s too painful, it can always wait until I no longer get cramps.  Or until the baby arrives, whatever happens first!  For now I have my knitting, and cross stitching.  It’s enough.

Bed Rest Sucks

Oh the joys of pregnancy!  After spending yesterday morning in the emergency room, I am now on bed rest.  Later today I have an appointment with my regular doctor, hopefully she tells me I no longer need to be on bed rest.  I have total placenta previa, which means my placenta is completely covering my cervix.  This is a complication I truly don’t know much about.  Even with my obsessive googling.  My baby could move higher as it grows, but I have no idea if I have to remain on bed rest until that happens.  It’s killing me, not knowing.  And having to wait to find out!  I’m also feeling pretty worthless, my body is failing me.  Trying to stay positive.  The baby is doing great so far.

On the plus side, I’ll get a lot of knitting done!  It’s too bad G-funk can’t stay home with me.  I love knitting with her.

Isn’t she so dang adorable?!  G is determined to finish a washcloth for Grandma for Christmas.  She just might do it! 

Well, I’m going to leave off here.  I need to knit the pain away.  Here’s hoping bed rest won’t last long!!!

Quick Knits

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I truly enjoy giving handmade gifts.  Unfortunately, I don’t have a lot of spare time for crafting.  Thank goodness for quick knits!  These dishcloths can be knit in 2 hours.  Pop in a Christmas movie and knit your fingers off!  Potholders are another really quick knit.

From Saturday night until Sunday night, I managed to finish 3 dishcloths, a pothold and I cast on a new dishcloth.  I was not a dedicated knitter, either.  All were made with Sugar’n Cream cotton yarn.  My plan is to have about 14 more done by next week.  Wish me luck!