Tomorrow Is Almost Here

Well, it’s a big day tomorrow. Our 10th wedding anniversary. I spent some time looking through old photos, reminiscing. It’s amazing how we’ve changed over the years. Not just physically, but emotionally, and spiritually. Such a long, strange journey.

I had this enormous blog post planned, sharing my marriage secrets, but it just doesn’t feel right. What works for us won’t work for everyone. But I’ll give you the short hand version. Chris and I dream together, we make goals. And together, we make them happen. Even if it’s just something silly, like tearing down the disgusting old chicken coop. I think it’s so important to make goals together. You learn to be each other’s anchor, how to support each other, and how to recognize the other is faltering. We become so focused on our personal goals that we forget to sit down and just dream, make plans, together. It’s also important to be completely honest. Yes, my husband tells me when my pants make my butt look big, and if what I cooked tastes like moldy garbage. I trust him like I trust no one else because he always tells me the truth. Even when it hurts my feelings.

That’s it. I won’t sermonize about marriage. Instead I shall lament the state of my garden.


It failed miserably. I got five cherry tomatoes, lettuce, radishes and broccoli. The rest of the tomatoes have been green since the beginning of July, the cucumbers are laughing at me and the green beans just died. Thirty six green bean plants and they’re all dead. Absolutely pathetic. This has been such a strange summer. We’re still on the fence if we’re going to build a greenhouse this fall or next. It just may have to be this fall. We planted a lot of veggies with the intention of preserving and freezing them. And we got nothing! Such a disappointment.

Nothing else too exciting going on around here. We aren’t even going to really celebrate our anniversary. Saturday we got ourselves a babysitter so we can go get a Juicy Lucy and a beer. Now for our 15th, we hope to go up to Lake of the Woods and fish for a week. Low key, that’s how we like it. Chris and Grace are at the archery range right now while I hold down the fort. Enchiladas and refried beans are cooking and Luke is napping. There’s a book softly calling to me and it’s about time I answer…..


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